Monday, May 28, 2012

The 'A' Word...

I had the weirdest dream the other night...  

In this dream the phone was ringing - Being a dream, I got up to answer it.  When I picked-up, there was a silent pause on the other end - Great I thought!  Another Political candidate survey.  Boy, was I off base on this one...

   - Yes, is Mr. Lopez available?
Yes, this is Phil...
   - This is not a paid or sponsored call.
Ok, well - Who is this?  I didn't catch your name-
   - Mr. Lopez,  this is the Universe...
        -  And we want to know when you are going to deliver your highest potential?
   - If you don't want to deliver that's ok, I guess, but the universe needs the purpose that is inside you. If you won't deliver it, we'll have to pass your purpose to someone else!
   - Yeah -that's right, the universe - we need to know if YOU are going to deliver...  !

I sprang out of bed!  Heart racing 12bazzillion miles per hour.
That little voice, from within was shouting - "Don't freak!! - Don't Freak!"  Keep Breathing!!!!
I ran to the bathroom - turned on the light... looked into the mirror and said, "We need to go over a few things and we better hurry!" ---

There is no need for you to worry, I got your back on this one... I will make sure that your phone doesn't ring.   In the  next few paragraphs I will walk you to delivering your universal potential.  You, just keep reading!!

One Nugget of Gold...

Oddly enough, just a few days earlier, I ran across the following little nugget of gold...

"In the Universe, there are no spare pieces. 
Everyone is here because they have a place to fill, 
and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."
-Deepak Chopra

We have to find this statement very reassuring.  It's claim supports the fact that my purpose  and your purpose (our Highest Potential), the pieces;  are universally important! That if indeed the universe is trying to piece a puzzle together, it WILL, at some point in time, need the purpose placed within us.

Now let's think about this for just a moment...  in my mind, the universe is very mighty-full -and because of this might, I am pretty confident that it is Not going to be denied the competion of the puzzle; simply because you or I decide to withhold our piece (our potential).  Agreed?  ...    Good! So then, what next?

Let's Get Started!!!

We have agree that delivering the purpose within us is a good thing.  Now, the question becomes, HOW!   HOW, do we got off the sofa and in-to-action in order to deliver our Highest Potential? After all, We probably do not want to piss-off or disapoint the universe.

You will need to have a clear understanding of your purpose.  Purpose comes to you in the form of an idea. You then formulated that idea into a plan. That plan requires Action...  On a daily basis that action transmutes itself into achievement.  Ok, hang-on...  you do know what initiates achievement, right?   NO...  I didn't think so  ---

The Great Initiator...

All Success is obtained through achievement.  Achievement is not just one single action, on one single day, in one single moment.  Achievement is the string of action taken moment-by-moment, day-after-day.  In this way, Success is the accumulation of achievement(s). Success then comes through the pursuit of a worthy purpose.  Think of Success as - Winning the NBA Championship. Achievement is then the accumulation of wins. The goal is to accumulate as many wins as possible and as many wins in a row as possible.  So HOW do we do this?

Look, the universe needs us to deliver our piece, our Highest Potential, right?  Well then the universe must have supplied us with a tool, or forged a trail for us to follow.  Indeed, it did!  The universe provided to us, AMBITION.

The A word...

Ambition is the great initiator!!  Without Ambition you park your A-- in the sofa and you never put down the remote.

Ambition is at the core of your Highest Human Potential. Ambition leads you to the good life; turning your hopes and dreams into reality. Ambition is the pathway traveled between impossible and possible.  True Ambition keeps you on course.

You don't need to feel embarrassed by your Ambitious desires. True Ambition is an ally which keeps you grounded. True Ambition roots itself in the service of others, not in the expense of others.  True Ambition says, If I want to deliver my highest potential tomorrow, then I better prepare for it today.

Created in Ambition...

Ambition has created the likes of Ford, Carniege, Edison, Rosa Parks, Gates, Oprah, Jobs, MLK, and the list goes on, and on, and on. Ambition is responsible for Great Parenting, Loving Relationships and Raised Spiritual Awareness. Ambition will lead us to the cures of disease, to peace, to greater love and understanding.

The Universe Will Not be denied.

Regardless, of your purpose, you deliver it through Ambition.  Imagine for one moment that you have no limitations on what you can Have, Be, or Do...  Ambition can take you there!!

I appreciate the fact that the universe has given us the choice to deliver or not to deliver.  I don't know about you but, I can't see it as such a good thing if we choose to withhold our piece, our potential.  I'm kind-a thinking that the Puzzle IS going to get completed... with or without you!  If you decide to withhold   -the universe WILL simply deny you the  opportunity to deliver your potential; handing your opportunity of success to somebody else and allow them to ambitiously deliver in your place. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pursuit... Your Divine Right-

Yes, It is Time to Choose!

- Get on the bus or, 

get left behind. 

If you miss this bus it will be more of the same; missed economic opportunities, hopelessness amid aimless wondering. Your job is to catch this bus! In the next few paragraphs we will buy you a ticket and find you a seat.

So let's establish the fundamentals to assure the obtainment of your desire.  

- In its most rudimentary form Success can be defined as; the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. If a man is working towards a predetermined goal and knows what he is doing... That person is a success! If they are not doing that then they are failing.

- The opposite of courage is not cowardice.  No, the opposite of courage is conformity. It takes no courage to conform; to do the same thing as everybody else, to think like everybody else, to achieve as everybody else.  Courage begins when you decide to differentiate your life from others.  To our demise, conformity will erase achievement...

- Every human has been given the Divine right to pursuit something.  Indeed, the creator allows each of us to Have, Be or Do, anything that we desire.  It is this fact that supports our existence.  Life then becomes a mission. On this mission, we all have something to pursuit!  It then becomes our duty to un-cover our purpose... To un-cover the 'something' that we pursuit.

- Everyone in serious pursuit of a goal,  at some point in life we all uncover this truth;  Success is an inside job!  Once discovered, it is what we do with this realization that greatly improves your odds of obtaining your desire.

If it is our Divine duty in life to un-cover our 'something', our pursuit, and if success is an inside job, then we must be self equipped with the features to succeed. So what then is the missing link between have something to pursue and Obtainment?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

You're Gonna LOVE this...

Intention Rules the Universe-

There should be little doubt on our minds surrounding the truth of this statement. As it is The Creator's intention that all Human life attain their Highest Potential; The Creator has placed every living creature, at the footsteps of mankind. In a spirit of attainment, The Creator then embellishes mankind with the greatest of all gifts... Freedom of Choice. Indeed, it is the intention of The Creator, that Humankind be given the Choice to Have, Be or Do, Anything that He/She Desires.

Anything?  ANYTHING!!!   -  Pretty Remarkable!!  Don’t You Agree?
  Don’t you just LOVE it????   ---   Anything!... -  Your Choice...  -  Think BIG!!

Support of this fundamental, comes through the Natural Laws of Physics and MetaPhysics... Newton’s Laws of Action / Reaction, Cause and Effect, Motion and Equilibrium; Einstein’s Relativity, even the natural Law of Attraction.

In a simplified format, the Law of Attraction simply states that;

  • We Attract to us, that which we think about.

WAIT... This is Powerful stuff... Let me read this again  ------    Ok.  

Think about what is being said here. Thoughts of Opulence and Abundance, yields Opulence and Abundance. Conversely, thoughts of Doom and Despair, can only yield the same. Thoughts of Spirituality, increase your attainment of a life of Spirituality. Thoughts of Destruction, increase your attainment of a life of Destruction.

The Law of Attraction is not a feel good principle. It is ‘ON’ - 24/7/365... Like gravity. It is available for your use from your first breath, until your last breath. If you fully understand this You begin to realize; the value of the things that you think and say, and the POWERFUL consequences of Negative self-talk.

You WILL become what you Think about  -  Suddenly, you realize the impact of thoughts like...  Man, these jeans make me look fat... Of course I got a bad grade, I can’t believe- I am soo Stupid... It figures I’d get dumped on - I can Never find Anybody who will treat me right...  OMG, I think my throat is sore, great; now I am going to get sick.  ---   HELLO? - McFly, ya in there?  YOU MUST STOP THIS!  ---  You Become what You Think About!

WAIT... WAIT... Wait...
  • Are you saying that if I want to become the world’s best Digital Marketing resource, I can?  YES!
  • Are you saying that I can move from Buffalo, WY, to Bozeman, MT, find a family to stay with, earn a Full Ride college scholarship, find the girl of my dreams, marry her, start a new business and lead it to profitability?  YES!
Yes, I am saying that you WILL become what you think about. Oh don’t get me wrong, these things do not just start falling out of the heavens...  You’re gonna have to work to achieve them. Just recognize the work will need to be proportional to the thought. Big Thought - Big Work. Little Thought, Little Work. No Thought, No Work. But, achieving your thoughts - you CAN do that!

In the next Blog, we will uncover the rules of engagement in the development of your Highest Potential. In the meantime - Do yourself a favor... Grab a couple of Post-it notes, write this down and place the Post-its where you can see them
throughout the day... Nightstand, Bathroom Mirror, Wallet, Computer monitor, Laptop Keyboard, Smart Phone screensaver  -  Ready?  Write this Down--

I, (  your name  ), WILL receive an Abundance of ALL Good Things!   ex. I, Phil Lopez, WILL receive an Abundance of ALL Good Things!   -Attract this thought for a week!!!   Enjoy the results...  Continued SUCCESS in all that you Do.