Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Purpose; You CANNOT Attain...

Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential; this is your Divine Purpose!  The Obtainment of your Divine Purpose is not some‘thing’ that you can acquire/purchase; you cannot Attain this in the form of collection, you cannot touch your notion, idea, or thought of Divine Purpose. Divine Purpose is some‘thing’ we Obtain; we hold within us our Desire of Purpose in the form of notion, idea or thought. Your Highest Human Potential is the utilization of your divinely granted abilities to transform your ‘Purpose’ into its physical equivalence - to Be, Do or Have.

Divine Significance...
This transformation flows outward from within us; in exchange for life on earth we are to uncover and give our Divine Purpose. Our give is significant for the improvement of the human condition. In this way Divine Purpose transcends to incorporate the greatest potential of all understood dogma or creed. In this light of knowledge, it becomes understandable as to why your Purpose must be delivered as contribution to the completion of the universal puzzle. There are no spare pieces. Each one of us has a contribution to make in the form of Divine Purpose. In this regard, there can be no completion of the universal puzzle without your contribution, the delivery of your piece, your Purpose.
You are important! You are Divinely significant; nobody can strip this significance away from you without your consent. Your significance of purpose was handed to you Divinely. Your Highest Human Potential is Obtained through the transformation of your unique Divinely granted purpose.
Truest Source of Happiness...
This Divinely granted Purpose is the truest source of your happiness; the truest source of your significance. Your lifetime significance is not based on what you attain in life; the car you drive, the purse you carry, the suit you wear. Your happiness will not be found in a chair, in an office up top on the 52nd floor. Or, in a title of professional achievement. If you continue digging in this direction, at best you will find a sense of temporary satisfaction.  At life’s end your fulfillment will not be found in a bank account, or from within a garage filled with Maserati's.
Early on, when I made the statement that the Obtainment of your Highest Potential would not be a matter of luck or the breaks, this was my source of confidence.  The requirement of luck or a break would imply that there was something you must receive in order to deliver your Divine Purpose. Instead, you are free to begin your delivery, the transformation of your Divine Purpose at any time. With no hesitations, with no permissions required. The transformation of your Divine Purpose, the Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential is given throughout your life; You are free to start at your earliest convenience.
Let me guess? - You want to know...

// Unedited excerpt: SYSTEM ERROR! Abort, Retry, Ignore - 7 Essential Steps on How to REBOOT the Human Operating System.  Author: Phillip A. Lopez  ~ Kindle/Amazon - Available Spring 2013 //

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Starting Point of All Achievment

“Daily the clock is ticking... 

The bookend of earthly life draws ever closer and the Universe continues calling Your name. Yes, You are being called to Start-Up Your Greatness. Do you have what it takes to answer the call?”

-Phillip A. Lopez

The Starting Point of All Achievement...

Years ago I read an interview of Wally "Famous" Amos. What many have always found interesting about Wally is that he virtually started with nothing! Of course we all know that at one point he built a global enterprise around 'chocolate-chip cookies'. In the interview Wally was asked, "HOW did you know where to get started?" At the time, Wally's reply caught me off guard. I figured he would weave a response filled with the requirements of great entrepreneurial skills, or the necessity to plan every detail, or the requirement to entice venture capital. But he didn't. In summary his reply was, 'I started with me! I came, one day, to the realization that I was responsible for the outcome of my life. That my achievements in life would not come from the things that I Did Have; But rather, my achievements in life would have to come from the things that I Did Not Have. That if I really wanted to do something with my life, I was going to have to be responsible to make sure that I obtained these things.'

I am convinced that what Wally was saying is, Achievement is 'an inside job'. That the starting point of all achievement begins with the person that stares back at you in the mirror! You know, the bloke you brush your teeth with every morning... Yeah, that guy!

Before we get along too far... let me ask you a very important question  --  Are you confident enough to stare into the eyes of your friend in the mirror? You will need to be! After all, the person in the mirror cannot survive without you. And you cannot survive without the person in the mirror.

So take a minute, go to the mirror... introduce yourself to that person (warts and all). Take a good look at this person. Come on take a good look! You are staring at the person who holds the keys to your share of the claim of achievement. Do you feel comfortable with what you see?  What if you discover that, this is the person who keeps imposing false self-limitations? Are you determined enough to overhaul this person?

Go ahead - Ask that person - "If they are willing to travel down the pathway of Obtainment with you." Come on, you're traveling partners... ask if that person is tough enough to carry you through the ups and downs, through the sleepless nights, to stand with you through the early snow of Fall, through the bitter cold of Winter, through the blistering heat of Summer. Ask that person... "So, how GOOD can you stand it?" -- This is the starting point!!

(An unedited excerpt from: 
SYSTEM ERROR! Abort, Retry, Ignore 

- 7 Essential Steps on

How to REBOOT the Human Operating System. 
Author: Phillip A. Lopez, ePublish: Amazon/Kindle, Available: Spring 2013)